Traspaso Restaurante sobre Av Tulum muy conocido y aclientado
Muy buena ubicación
Tulum Centro
Quintana Roo
"Business transfer, restaurant in the center of Tulum, on Av Tulum has operated successfully for several years, it is an excellent opportunity to acquire an accredited and accredited business, it has a very good position in Tulum and is one of the best known in the area. Local 180m2 Company, permits, furniture, accredited with clients and positioning are transferred For more details please contact Restaurant Business transfer Tulum Downtown Business transfer, restaurant in the center of Tulum, on Av Tulum has operated successfully for several years, it is an excellent opportunity to acquire an accredited and accredited business, it has a very good position in Tulum and is one of the best known in the area. Local 180m2 The company permits, furniture, positioning are transferred (17)"
Información General
Clave Interna: CLV517670
Tipo de Inmueble: Local - Comercial
Tipo de Operación: Venta
Precio: $150,000
Moneda: USD
Mantenimiento: Sin Mantenimiento
Cuarto de Servicio: No
Baños: 1
Año de Construcción: 2022